Race relations set back
I’m not sure what offends me most: a preacher standing in the pulpit, bashing white people and cursing America, or now listening to Sen. Barack Obama and others in the black community making excuses for it. They’re saying we need to understand this is how black churches are in this country.READ IT HERE
Wonderful that they put some letters up so we can see how Americans feel. Thank You Kansas City Star!
Impact of racist comments on politics
(last 2 paragraphs)Any one who might support Senator Obama needs to ask themselves if they would be comfortable in a church where the pastor proclaimed our country the “U.S. KKK of A.” where the origin of the AIDS virus is attributed to the U.S. government and where America is described as a country that is run by “rich white people.” Senator Obama has been a member of this church for 18 years.
If Senator Obama was a Caucasian male attending a church that advocated some of the same inflammatory views that Reverend Wright espoused, I do not think he would be given the same sympathy and understanding. If I heard that a Caucasian candidate had been attending some sort of church which proclaimed the same hateful rhetoric as Reverend Wright, I would not need a news analyst to explain to me why this person was not a good candidate. I would not vote for a person, regardless of race, which was so strongly associated with this sort of institution.Senator Obama is a charismatic leader, but I think his presidential candidacy shows a racial divisiveness which opens old wounds instead of healing them.
Will Wright Damage Obama's Millennial Support?
Saturday, March 22, 2008
It's a generational thing. That was the theme of Barack Obama's speech last Tuesday, in which he both failed to renounce and at the same time separated himself from the man he has described as his spiritual mentor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright.