Well as I have been making my usual stops around on the Internet today I have found a few good reads. CNN has a couple of things on there Political Ticker. This one is on Geraldine Ferraro and I think it is worth reading. They also have an article on Mrs. Clinton about the Michigan and Florida voters. The Page by Mark Halperin is also covering the MI & FL vote. Stop by and see what he has to say.....I found this at the NYT about "The Fight to Define the Winner". They have a chart there on the left side of this article " Winners of Red and Blue States", take a look at it while you are there.... ABC News has this on the "Florida Michigan Solution" . Over at Taylor Marsh Broadcasting, she has a couple of hot topics going. "Quit Standing by Your Man" and "Democratic Firestorm". Take the time to go over and check it out. While you are there check out the Hot Topics on the right side of her blog.... If you are still looking for something to read you can check out Reuters and see what they have to say about Geraldine Ferraro..."Clinton supporter defends Obama race remarks"... Or check out this " Who Really Has a Better Shot at McCain"... There is a break down of the numbers here in " Mississippi By the Numbers"... AND Finally if you are looking for a laugh and aren't we all these days take the time...Please....and read this over at Yahoo News by Larry Elder, posted on March 6 '08...yes it has been there a few days but maybe you haven't read it yet. It is called "Obama Speaks" That is it for now.....we will see what the day brings!
Had to add this in, over at The Page "Obama Topper Downplays Pennsylvania"