Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Late putting things up today. I have been reading a lot again today. I hope you enjoy..........

Obama's past, right at him
By Wesley Pruden
April 1, 2008

How Obama's Church and Associates Link Him to ISM
by Lee Kaplan April 1. '08

Barack Obama's Latest Pastor Problem: Chicago's Rev. James T Meeks
by GayWebMonkey.com

Does Obama Know America?
by James Lewis

If Obama Wins The Democrats Will Loose

Democrats Take Heed: Super Delegates Can Save the Democratic Party


Pelosi says the Democratic race should go on
by Joan Lowey

Straight Shooting From Tuzla
by Lissa Muscatine & Melanne Verveer

Clinton's April Fool's Joke
by Beth Fouhy

Obama and Reagan Democrat Types
by Taylor Marsh

Projection: Clinton Wins Popular Vote, Obama Wins Delegate Count
by Michael Barone

Harold Ickes Confirms That Wright is Key Topic in Discussion With Super-Delegates
by Greg Sargent

That's it for now..........catch you later!