I don't know who he will blame but his supporters are coming down on ABC. Those questions had to be ask and I have news for you, he didn't really answer them so they will be asked again. If not now in the fall if he is the nominee............ He did not do well in the debate and now we wait to see what the superdelegates have to say. Will they stand up and show they have a spine? I doubt it. Ok looking for something to read? Check out these........I put up a couple last night.
Obama's honeymoon over, and it showsWho's Bitter Now?No Whining About the MediaFinal grades:
Clinton: B
Obama: D+
Some too 'obsessed' with what we say
Obama's Sociology Lesson
Obama kept on defensive during debate
Pennsylvania Democratic Debate
Obama's Rezko Connection
Clinton Uses Sharp Attacks in Tense Debate
All for now.............