Elizabeth Edwards Backs Clinton Health Plan
by Russell Goldman and Nitya Venkataraman
Something to read and watch.
KDAK 2.......KDKA Poll: Clinton Gains Ground In Pa.
"We Need More White People" by Jake Tapper April 09, 2008 8:47 AM
Please read the comments left here.
If Obama vs. McCain, will southern white Dems support Obama?
by Cash Michaels
Israel Fears an Obama Presidency by Tom Barrett
Pelosi Pooh-Poohs the 'Dream Ticket' (Again) by Chris Cillizza
Do you watch " The Daily Show" with Jon Stewart? Did you see Dick Move of the Week
more later............................
CNN sets values forum for candidates
Obama's Illusions on Foreign Policy
Expert guest post by Joseph C. Wilson IV
This piece by Joseph Wilson is a must read!!!!