Well I usually put links to the Sunday talk shows and I did watch "This Week" and for me this may not be hard to argue for McCain. The reason I say this is John Kerry was on the show for Obama....I have NEVER liked John Kerry.....it has nothing to do with him supporting Obama...I really have NEVER liked him...yes I voted for the loser..only because Edwards was his running mate and I was a Edwards supporter back in '04.....OK you did miss a good show...if you didn't watch...the picture is the link for the show so pick your poison..."Meet the Press" was on early today....Tim the Troll will get you there to watch.... Reliable Sources was good today, they talked about why Hillary got the media coverage that she did...."Face the Nation" not on yet for me... Howard Wolfson Comm. Dir., Clinton Campaign, Rep. Charles Rangel, Sen. James Webb, Roger Simon, The topic will be... Campaign 08: What Does Hillary Clinton Want?....FNS with Chris Wallace will be having Obama supporter, Gov. Tim Kaine, D-Va., and McCain supporter, Gov. Tim Pawlenty, R-Minn. and they will be discussing....How will the fall campaign unfold and what are the key issues for both candidates?
If I find anything worth reading I will post it...if you find something worth reading leave it in the comments and I will put it up front here.....Have a good Sunday....