Friday, June 6, 2008

Tell The Truth Even When It Hurts

A very good piece written by Steve Corbett....Tell The Truth Even When It it Steve says

I have never lied to listeners. I have never told you I believe in something in which I don’t believe. I have never tried to be entertaining at the expense of the truth.

Anyone who says otherwise is deceiving you. Anyone who says otherwise is cheating you of the sacred bond that must exist on news talk radio between host and listener. Anyone who says otherwise threatens the very credibility upon which we in this business depend to do the job you expect us to do.

We all want to be told the truth even when it hurts, don't we?.... What the media has done during this election has many of us wondering who can we trust to tell us the truth anymore....


Anonymous said...

Have a good weekend-- isn't bitterpoliticz nicer than TM? The comments go so quickly, it's hard to keep up.

not a dem anymore said...

Yes it is nice but hard to keep up.

not a dem anymore said...

AOL has a new straw poll up