Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Have you seen this...UPDATE>>

Clinton Supporters Offer To Help McCain

04 Jun 2008 09:39 am

Matt Burns, the spokesman for the GOP convention in St. Paul e-mails to say that the RNC's convention office in St. Paul has received numerous telephone calls in the last few hours from people who identify themselves as Clinton supporters asking how they can help Sen. McCain.


If you want to contact McCain go here. You can find your states information, mailing address and a phone number there.

No Quarter is back up!!!!


GretaWire has up a new poll

If vote today, who would you vote for?


Anonymous said...

43% dems would vote for mccain... 8% dems would vote for obama... while 9% dems would stay home. so more dems staying home than voting for obama :( is the dnc nuts? i swear they are being suicidal at this point. i love hillary ;) forever my madame president

not a dem anymore said...

What happened to the other 40%?

I agree the DNC must want to lose or they have it fixed already, like they fixed the primary.