That is it for now. I will update when I feel the need....We Must Get Organized!!!!
People are asking who has this forum....PUMA is all over the place. Look here at Turn Down Obama. I do not know if it comes from here or not but will try to get more information.
Have you seen Just Say No Deal yet. It has a list of sites that are saying no to Obama.
jslat told me about this story and I wanted to post it here for you all encase you missed it .
June 3, 2008
Right now, major U.S. media corporations are trying to sway the outcome of the Democratic primaries, in part by sabotaging the campaign of Senator Hillary Clinton of New York. Evidently, the parent companies or affiliates of these press outlets hope to avert many of the regulatory changes she has proposed for Wall Street and the oil companies, as well as her New Deal-type jobs program and alternative energy plan. Such intiatives have the potential for negatively impacting their businesses. more
Another Forum if you like to communicate that way is Hillary Voters For McCain ...
I have been told at No Quarter that the PUMA forum is from The Confluence but I have no conformation on that yet. I have sent a PM still waiting for a reply....will update...
UPDATE: Still no answer so I think I will assume it is NOT connected to The Confluence by riverdaughter. I can get no answer from anyone at the forum or at riverdaughters site.
Corbett is still turning down Barrack Obama.
Kristi said...
Georgia does not have a deadline. They do not official register voters by party. When a voter votes in November they fill in their party affiliation. This information from the SOGR office.
Thank you for the information Kristi. I think I will start a list at the left.
I finally got an answer….
not a dem anymore wrote:
I am getting tired of asking this but who has this site? Is it The Confluence or not?
No, it’s nobody. I started and somehow it got linked up and down the internet overnight. The people commenting there were looking for a place to organize on a variety of issues so I put this website up. This site is completely unaffiliated with any other long established site.
It is working for me jslat.
I love that picture!
finally can open the comments window. Have no idea what was wrong.
finally can open the comments window. Have no idea what was wrong.
I was probably adding something to the blog at the I am getting ready to do now...
Georgia does not have a deadline. They do not official register voters by party. When a voter votes in November they fill in their party affiliation. This information from the SOGR office
Does anyone here support the Democratic platform? By that I mean where do you stand on the political issues?
If Obama stands on that platform---no. And don't try any concern or attack ploys.. get it?
#1 issue for me right now is Obama is not qualified to be president.
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